What is an esthetician?

What is an esthetician?

As a skin care specialist, an esthetician’s primary job is to improve the health and appearance of their client’s skin. They have a vast knowledge of skin types, conditions and skin care ingredients, which they use to perform their services and provide personalized at-home care recommendations for their clients.

Services provided by estheticians

While many might regard estheticians as only facialists, a licensed esthetician has a wide range of skills and services to offer that benefit the skin. From relaxing facials to extractions and advanced exfoliation methods, here are the most common services an esthetician may provide.

  • Facials: A facial is a set of skin care treatments like a wash, exfoliation, mask, extractions, massage and other procedures that they may see fit for your skin type or the condition they aim to treat.
  • Skincare analysis: Estheticians can determine your skin type and skin care concerns, like acne, aging, hyperpigmentation and more. This skin care analysis will allow them to safely provide treatments and product recommendations.
  • Hair removal: Estheticians are trained in hair removal techniques like waxing, threading and sugaring. They can use these techniques to remove hair from the face and various body parts.
  • Extractions: When the skin gets congested, it may need professional help to bring sebum and other buildup to the surface. Estheticians get professionally trained in safely and effectively extracting various types of acne breakouts.
  • Microneedling: Also known as collagen induction therapy, microneedling is the practice of using small, almost microscopic, sterile needles to puncture the upper layers of the skin. This procedure stimulates collagen production for an improved texture.
  • Chemical peels: A chemical peel is an advanced chemical exfoliation technique that provides controlled injury to the outermost layers of the skin.
  • kin with less discoloration and breakouts and improved texture.
  • Microdermabrasion: Microdermabrasion is another advanced technique that uses an abrasive (but safe for the skin) instrument that encourages the resurfacing of the skin for a smoother, more even complexion.
  • Dermaplaning: Dermaplaning involves using a medical-grade scalpel to gently exfoliate away impurities, dead skin, peach fuzz and other buildup on the surface of the skin.
  • Spray tans: Many estheticians also have training in artificial tanning which involves airbrushing a self-tanner solution onto the body to create a sun-kissed complexion without harmful UV rays.
  • Brow and lash treatments: Lash extensions, lash lifts, brow lamination and brow and lash tinting are all treatments an esthetician can provide with proper training.
  • Makeup application: Many estheticians are trained in makeup application and may offer makeup artistry services in addition to their skin care services.
  • Body treatments: Breakouts and skin conditions don’t stop at the neck!
  • During the healing process, the top layer of the skin begins to peel to reveal sMany estheticians may also offer treatments for the back, chest and other areas prone to breaking out.
  • Product consultation: Estheticians work with clients to create an at-home regimen that promotes and maintains skin health between appointments.

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